my blog......after goin' through so many blogs. i thought i might have my own...
here it life is boring nowadays thinking that blogging will preoccupy my a busy person working in a company where bosses are working like mad. i have to work like mad also.'s a routine...i want something new.and this is it...WANDERLUST......when I'm bored, I go places to places. I go everywhere I want to. ...i have a strong desire to travel. And I believe I will always be a wanderer.....always....SEA keeps on flying miles and miles......i wish i could be a sea gull. He can go wherever and whenever he wants to... i like the's lively.....(have collected hundreds of pictures for me to choose and post)When I'm alone and bored again...I'm with my big mug of coffee and a stick of Marlboro lights.......there.... i'm travelling....and starting to think of myself in places I want to go......just take a ride.......see you there......('',)